To all our candidates and clients,
We hope that yourself, family and friends have all been keeping safe and well during these past 3 months and unprecedented times.
We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that we will be returning to our City office from Monday 15th June.
Having closely followed the government’s guidelines on safely returning to work, we feel now is the right time to slowly integrate ourselves back in to the office and working environment. Our office has been fully Covid-19 proofed and we will be adhering to strict social distancing measures at all times, including while arriving at and departing from work, while in work, and when travelling to and from the office.
We are starting to see encouraging signs that the legal market is picking up again and there will be an increased appetite to hire and undertake new roles as we slowly return to a new kind of normality. We are also seeing a significant uptake in demand from our offshore clients as well as in Asia Pacific, so now could be the perfect time for thinking about a move overseas and to warmer, sunnier climes. We have also been working with new clients across Europe, who are a few weeks ahead of the UK in coming out of lockdown, and are starting to recruit again.
Nicholas Scott and Contax Law have both launched new websites linking with the Nicholas Scott and Contax Law Apps ( (
For any of our clients or candidates that are back at work, please do feel free to reach out and we are more than happy to meet for a socially distanced walk, coffee or a “virtual” meeting where necessary. We hope that these are the first small steps in returning to normality over the coming months as more and more of us are able to get back to work and life slowly returns to normal.
Kind regards from all the team at Nicholas Scott and Contax Law
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Mid-size law firms embrace big ideas for future
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Newly Refurbished Nicholas Scott Website
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Ranked - The most common first names for UK lawyers
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A stress management plan:field-tested tips and techniques for busting workplace stress
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Nicholas Scott observations on the NQ market
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Legal Week Legal Innovation Awards 2020
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CoVID-19 Update: Returning to the City
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Congratulations to the Winner of the Legal Business Awards 2020
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Nicholas Scott's CoVID-19 Plan
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